Congratulations on your engagement! Now that you and your partner have gotten engaged and had some time to enjoy it, the first step of the wedding planning process is to tell your friends and family. If you have already been telling your loved ones that an engagement is likely coming, then now is the time to tell them the good news, that it’s official. But, how should you make your engagement announcement to tell them that it’s official?
Get engagement announcement ideas and inspiration!

Throw an engagement party!
There are so many different ways to celebrate an engagement, and one of the best is throwing a party. This way all your family and friends can get together and help you plan this major event in your life! Once they know that it’s happening, everyone will have some ideas for how to make sure it goes flawlessly.
If you want a meaningful experience with your loved ones as well as the celebration element, try hosting it at home with close loved ones or by working with an organization like The Spindle Project that does these events. You’ll be able to put thought into every detail without too much stress from coordinating logistics – plus you might meet some other engaged couples if there happens to be another planned around the same time as yours. If having
Announce your love story on social media!
This way, all of your family and friends can get together and help you plan this major event in your life! Once they know that it’s happening, everyone will have some ideas for how to make sure it goes flawlessly.
If you want a meaningful experience with your loved ones as well as the celebration element, try hosting a small party home with close loved ones. If having several hundred guests that you and your partner know in attendance is more of what you’re looking for, think about announcing on social

Say something at a family event or function you're attending with your partner and your relatives.
This way, all of your loved ones can be there to see and celebrate with you!
This is a really exciting time in your lives, and you will want to share it with all of your loved ones.
If you’re able to say something at an event or function that is attended by both of your families, even better! This way, no ones family hears before the other family. You can even throw a small get-together and tell them something like:
“We wanted to come over here today because there’s something else very important we need everyone to know about what’s going on in our lives.
We just want to make sure you have the chance to be a part of this with us, so we’re going to tell everyone now.”
This will ensure that all your loved ones are there when you say it and can celebrate with you!
Otherwise, if it’s not possible for one or both of your families is unable to be at an event where these words could be spoken out loud by someone else, then consider sending them something like an email along with pictures from the proposal or to have them on speaker on a phone call while you make your engagement announcement. This way they don’t feel left out while also creating some excitement about what happened between the two of you as well.

Call up the local newspaper and send in a newspaper announcement of the engagement.
Make sure that you set up a Google alert so that any announcements will show up for both you and your partners name as well as adding them into your contact list where they can’t be missed by either of you when scrolling through text messages from one another! If you’re able to secretly set up Google alerts for your loved ones, this is a great way to sneakily have your engagement announcement sent straight to their email inbox!
If you choose this over other styles of engagement announcements, make sure that you add a bit of personalization that nods toward your friends and family, especially both of your parents. The engagement announcement wording is incredibly important if you’re not announcing it to their faces, so keep this in mind for any written engagement announcement!
Write an essay about this time in your life and send it to your loved ones!
The key to an engagement announcement is making it personal! The best way to do that is by writing a true and heartfelt essay about what led you two together, how the proposal went down and why this time in your life means so much more than anything else. It might be tempting to just snap a pic of your engagement ring and put out “Engaged!” on social media or send them a text message but taking some extra time to announce the engagement will really show everyone how special this momentary commitment between two people who love each other truly is.
If you’re struggling with finding words for your essay, here are some prompts:
- When did you first meet?
- What was your favorite date (and why)?
- Who proposed? What happened during the proposal?
- Why is this moment in your lives so significant?
- What is your love story?

Send out wedding invitations to announce your engagement.
This is a great idea if you’re looking for an easy way to show your friends and family that the two of you are getting married. Choose from traditional invitations, modern cards or even send out emails with pictures attached so people can see how happy you look together!
Pro Tip: Don’t forget to pick out a unique wedding band!

When should we announce our engagement?
How much time will be between the announcement and the date where we want all our guests to come?
There are pros and cons to announcing your engagement as soon as possible, or waiting until the last minute.
If you announce it early on in the process (like during a conversation with friends) people might be available to help out with some of the planning responsibilities like finding venues for all our guest or contributing financially.
If you wait until later in the process when most people have plans already lined up for the time surrounding your wedding, they may not be able to help plan and/or attend or to take the time off to attend your wedding.
Although this is also true regardless of how close you get to your wedding date – so don’t rule anything out! It’s important for the happiness of both the bride and groom that you have help from your loved ones in planning this special day and that both of your friends and family are able to attend!
Announcing your engagement with an engagement party? Let us help!
Elegant Events by Michalea is a wedding and event planning studio based in West Palm Beach, FL. As wedding planners, we believe that every bride, groom, and wedding/engagement is unique and that our client’s needs are of the utmost importance. Our team works hard at the wedding and engagement party planning process with the goal of providing a service that is tailored just for you. We’re dedicated to helping couples create an event that is personalized, memorable, unique and elegant.
Our mission is to ensure that each of the weddings and events that we plan is one of the most elegant, memorable, and unique experiences for the happy couple and their guests. We look forward to helping your dreams come true!
To explore our event planning/wedding planning services, click here!
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